Well hi there, my name is

Devin Mitchell

Hello stranger, thank you for taking the time to view my portfolio.

My name is Devin, I am a 25 year old web developer, with roughly 9 years of programming experience. The first programming language I have took the time to learn is Java, back when I was roughly 11-12 years old. You might ask, how can I explain that? Along with being a programmer, I am also a gamer, and at a very young age, I tried to learn how to recreate one of the games I played at the time. That jumpstarted me into other areas of programming such as web development and to where I am now.

Languages KnownCurrently doing contract work






ASP Classic



















Android SDK



Relational Databases


VS Code






Although I started with Java and is the only language I have traditional schooling in, I spend the majority of the my time with Typescript. I use Node.js as the server-side component of most of my projects, and have implemented it in a few production environments. As for the client-side component, I generally lean towards creating a React SPA. This is especially the case when creating interactive web apps. I do have experience in an older languages, ASP Classic, which I use regularly for one of the companies I work with. Although this probably isn't helpful in most cases, it should show that I do not limit myself to the things I know, but strive to keep learning new (old in this case) languages/libraries.

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  • Work History
  • Solo Projects
  • Open Source Work

Work History

Integrated-Data Services
Started in October 2017 - Present
Visit Website

I am one of the primary architects at Integrated-Data and am responsible for creating new web-based applications for our clients, updating legacy applications that generally need to be recreated from the ground up, performing software installations, and training our clients on how to use our software.

The primary languages used here are ASP Classic and Javascript (both plain ol'javascript for the browsers, and node.js, generally using express.js as an http server or as a standalone node.js process. We also use work in a fully Windows environment.

There are two SaaS(ish) products that I helped create and maintain.

One is called Easydocs, which is a website and application combination that allows county clerks, or any county official really, to upload transparency documents to the county website for public viewing. Some examples of uses are county clerks publishing court minutes, election results, or foreclosure documents.

The other is called Lyceum, which is an online class management platform that is targeted at Police Academies and training facilities. It is a class scheduling web app that allows instructors and administrators to create courses and individual classes for each course. These classes can then be enrolled in by officers of the surrounding area.

Massage By Healing Hands
Started in May 2021 - Present

I created and maintain the website for Massage by Healing Hands. The website is a standalone Wordpress site, to allow the staff at MBHH to easily make changes if they want to. It is running in a Linux environment, behind a Caddy Server.

To Get In Touch

Email (Business inquiries please):devin@mtechnologies.net
Through a LinkedIn connection:linkedin.com/in/demitchell14

Although I have an account on most social media platforms, I do not actively use them. Because of this, the best way to get in touch is to send me an email. I do use LinkedIn on occasion for professional purposes, so this is also a good option, however, I check my email daily, so it is still the best.

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